The origin of seat belts in automobiles


The origin of seat belts in automobiles.  Safety belt, as a basic protection device to protect drivers and passengers in the process of car collision, was born earlier than the car.  As early as 1885, seat belts appeared and were used in horse-drawn carriages to prevent passengers from falling off.  On May 20, 1902, at an auto race in New York, a racer tied himself and his partner to their seats with straps to prevent him from being thrown out of his car at high speeds.  Two people were killed and dozens injured when their car crashed into a crowd of spectators during a race, but the racers survived because of their belts.  These belts also became the prototype of the car safety belt, which was used for the first time in the car and saved the life of the user.  

In 1922, seatbelts were introduced in racetrack sports cars;  In 1955, ford introduced seat belts;  In 1968, seat belts were required on all forward-facing seats in American cars.  Europe and Japan and other developed countries have successively established car occupants must wear a seat belt regulations, the Ministry of Public Security on November 15, 1992 issued notice, from July 1, 1993, all passenger car (including cars, jeeps, vans and mini) drivers and front seat passengers must use your seat belt.  Article 51 of the Road Traffic Safety Law stipulates that when motor vehicles are running, drivers and passengers shall use safety belts according to regulations, and motorcycle drivers and passengers shall wear safety helmets according to regulations.  

The standard form of safety belt in the world is the three-point safety belt invented by Niels. This kind of car safety belt began to be accepted in 1967. Niels published 28000 Accident Report in the United States, which recorded all the traffic accidents involving Volvo cars in Sweden in 1966.  Three-point seat belts not only reduce or avoid injury in more than half of the cases, but also save lives.  

Since its introduction, there have been 10 million kilometers of seatbelts, packed into more than a billion cars around the world, long enough to circle the Earth's equator 250 times, or travel to and from the moon 13 times.  Most importantly, however, it has saved countless lives over the past 40 years, proving that three-point belts are an effective single vehicle safety device. 

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